Yes, in my city we celebrate Halloween, for example in my school, this year we are celebrating a mini party for little children of our school. They are very excited, because we are explaining a story on that day, Little ‘Black’ Riding Hood. Many shops here in my city promote this festival, with Halloween’s decorations, for example, if you go at those shops, you can find and buy a costume of skeleton, witch… You can find pumpkins, toys, bad, spiders… In my opinion this festival, will celebrate more from here to five or six years.
It is celebrated in Barcelona but I don't celebrate it. It isn't our tradition, our festivity is Castanyada and Tots Sants, but shops use it to sell more. Shops in Barcelona are decorated with ghosts, pumkins and some other things.
People celebrate Halloween because the shops and the shopping center publish and promote this party for make a killing. I think that we can celebrate new traditions but when we really know her significate and her stories.
Yes, it's celebrated on Barcelona, the city where most of us live. Even though Hallowe'en is a very global festivity, here we have other as good as it, such 'The Castanyada' and All Saint's Day. The shops use this 'scary' day to make a killing, selling all type of costumes, food, decorations, pumpkins in all the sizes and shapes... Anything that could be sold, is do sold.
Yes, in my city the shops and the places of entertainment are decorated by pumpkins, ghosts, witches... and things that scare. I think that Halloween is an English tradition although here you are starting to celebrate. But the most normal thing is that the people celebrate "All the saints". P.G.F
Yes, Halloween is celebrated in Barcelona but is more usual to celebrate all Saints Day. In my city during Halloween, the shops are decorated with pumpkins, ghosts, candles and other decorations of fear. I think that it's a comercial event because most of the people buy more food and other items. L.P.M
People in my city celebrate Haloween, althought it's celebrated since few years ago. Shops usully sell some typical costmes from halloween, for exemple they sell pumpkins, ghosts, witches and mummies.
Despite of Halloween, many people keep our catalan traditions, so they celebrate "Tots els sants". A.P.S
Yes, in my city people celebrate Halloween. The shops are decorated with scared things (spiders, witches,fancy dress, pumpkins...). I think halloween in my city every time are more popular in the young people.
People in my city celebrate Halloween, but it's not a tradition from here, because this tradition was born in America, and here most people celebrate all saint day. I think that these kinds of celebrations are made to make money, the shops in these days are full of scary things, like costumes, masks… the aim of these celebrations is to have a good time.
Yes, we celebrated it. Halloween’s day people dress up like monsters and witch’s and go out to the street for catch candy's and scarred people joking. Many shop's of cakes do special cake's and sweet's with horrible forms: one eye, one finger etc. But here in Spain big part of people celebrate” Tots els sants".
Here, in Catalonia, people is not used to celebrate that kind of festivities or celebrations but there is a few group who celebrate them just for fun, mainly children who create groups and go around the street trying to find someone who gives them some sweets/candies. Referring to shops, some try to look like american's putting up some decorations to draw attention to customers.
Some children celebrate Halloween in my city, but not all do it. In Barcelona Halloween's day is celebrated like all saints day. When I was little, I celebrated this festivity dressing a disguise, and I went to the shops asking for money, and it was very funny! To promote it, the shops sell costumes and masks, and put advertisements and offers in their shop.
Some people, mostly young people, celebrate it, but not everyone. Most of local shops don't matter about it. Youngsters dress up in scary costumes and they go to every house asking for some candy.
This new tradition is an oportunity for people to know more about other countries' traditions and to have fun. They are also money-makers for some shops.
Yes, the people in Spain celebrate Hallowe'en. We don't care that the tradition haven't got Spanish origin, it's an excuse for do a party. It's a funny tradition because you can go with your disguise in the street, in the disco, in the classroom. For example, the game of "trick or treat?" it's amusing for do with little children. In Spain, we don't go to the houses of other people saying "Trick or treat?" because this is a "new" tradition here and not all the people know about it.
Of course, the shops promote Hallowe'en, why they waste this opportunity for get money? Now in Spain, you can see in the shops some decorations and ornamentations of Hallowe'en (pumpkins, bats, ghosts, witches, casseroles with slimy substances, monsters, spiders, spider webs...). The shops sell presents and halloween items with the aim of get extra money.
I think that this new tradition it's another excuse for celebrate 'something' that it could be funny. I doubt that the people that celebrate Hallowe'en know the meaning of the tradition. But I haven't got nothing against of celebrate Hallowe'en in Spain, why not?
Yes, I think that Hallowen is celebrate in my city but only by the youngest people because is a new tradition that come from others countries. Some exciting children go around the streets of the city with scary costumes as skeleton or ugly monsters aiming to make a joke to the other people.
In most of the shops are scary objects in the shop window as a pumpkins to attract all the people.
Yes, in my city, and in general, in my country, is celebrated Hallowe'en. But this festival is not celebrated by everyone, mostly by toung people and kids. Some shops and amusements parks promote it, and it is common to find terror parties in which assistants wear scary costumes, specially in discoteques like Titus or Cocoa.
I think it is good that this festivity is celebrated, because diversity is cultural riches, but always if this do not damage our own traditions, like "La Castanyera" o "Tots Sants".
Here, in my country, people used to celebrate this festivity or cultural celebration.
For Halloween's day you can see costumes in toy shops and sweets everywhere. Also, some schools decor the classrooms with leafs to represent the fall of autumn and both kids and teachers play games on the playground during the day.
But the spanish tradition we really follow is to eat chestnuts and stay near the hearth because of the cold of the coming winter.
In Barcelona some people usually celebrate Halloween. Supermarkets and some kind of stores sell products to promote the festival. I'm totally agree with this new traditions, but I don't like when some people despise our cultural traditions.
Yes, and every time more and more, this is celebrate (normaly) for the more young people and the progress of this tradicion is killing the local traditions (Dia de tots els sants and Castanyada) we have tho control the progress of Hallowe'en, I think that the cultural shock it's ok but we have to control it.
The shops promote Hallowe'en because they see a oportunity to gain money, they make events, sell candies, costumes, decorations...
In Spain people don't celebrate Halloween as much as other countries. Some people celebrate it but some people don't because this day isn't tradicional of Spain. Local shops promote this celebration with visual decoration like pumpkings or selling sweets or customs. I think that this tradition is celebrated much more in other countries and in Spain is something new that some people not known because it isn't traditional of our countri, but it's an oportunity to celebrate a new festivity and have a good time with friends or family. Andrea Pérez Bouza
In Spain Halloween is promoted as far as so many countries, but people doesn't celebrate it, only some kids asking door per door for some sweets and chocolates and I think this is caused because we celebrate the same day "La Castañera". I think that is foolish celebrate here Halloween, because, if this tradition has come to us is because of the USA and the consumerism and we don't "celebrate" the real spirit of this tradition, so this party isn't even american, so I think that if Halloween remained only as an Irish tradition, we wouldn't celebrate Halloween.
In Spain, Halloween isn't celebrated as it is in other countries. Some poeple celebrate it and some others don't. For example, school usually celebrate it, at least for childrens ro have fun and let them know new traditions. Shops promote it with Halloween decorations such as pumkins, ghosts, bad, spiders... to attract people to buy there, or selling cheaper their clothes. In my opinion, I think it's good to celebrated it because it's a way to know new traditions, how other countries enjoy them, etc. and the important thing is to have fun.
In Spain people don't celebrate Halloween as much as other countries, it’s most typical celebrate All Saints’ Day. Local shops promote this celebration with visual tactics, like pumpkins or selling sweets or customs. Personally, I think that this tradition is very interesting. I love dress up, and is the perfect chance to enjoy it. PSMS
In Spain, the people don't celebrate much Halloween because this celebration is from Anglo-Saxon countries. For the spanish people this tradition don't have the same meaning that for Anglo-Saxon people. In Spain halloween is like carnaval but the people only use to dress up for witch, mummy or frankenstein. One of the causes why the halloween don't have a lot of success in Spain is because the next day we have the religious festivity of All Saints’ Day. But the local shops promote halloween because they think that is an opportunity to make money.
In my opinion i think that is good learn others traditions but we must preserve and celebrate ours festivities because if we don't celebrate our parties, who will make it?
In Spain, specifically in Barcelona, people do not usually celebrate Halloween. Some people celebrate this tradition, although Halloween is not a typical Spanish tradition. The shops promote this festival with decorations of ghosts, monsters, witches and sell candies. I think that this new tradition is good for ours because we know traditions of different countries.
Halloween is celebrated in Barcelona but it is less celebrated than in other cities because it's not a traditional festivity of the city. Our festivity is "Castanyada" and "All Saint's Day". Shops promote this festival with costumes in toy shops, decorations of witches, monsters, pumpkins, etc. because they see an oportunity to earn money easily. I think we can celebrate this new tradition and learn the history behind it but we should preserve our festivities.
Yes, in my city many people celebrate Halloween, especially in schools. Children dress up and play games. In Barcelona we are not used to go to the houses and ask for candies. The shops make money selling many costumes and other scary things.
Barcelona celebra Halloween, pero no es la tradición, sino que son los modales americanos, disfrasan en Barcelona al carnaval. en las tiendas a finales de septiembre, adornan con los colores naranja, negro, verde y blanco, poner calabazas, esqueletos, monstruos y brujas, disfraces y dulces se venden, en el área de mi barrio no vi a nadie vestido de monstruo, sólo cuando es Carnaval.
Hallowe'en is not a tradition in Spain but every year it's mist accptated by young people to celebrate funny parties or spend time with the friends. Here it's promote by the shops offering beaty shop windows or cheap thing to make the houses and the costumes so scarying. I like this kind of paties, for me all the parties are good and we have to had enough time to smile during all the long year. RF
The people in my country celebrate haloween but isn't the most important festival. We go to party or do other things but Haloween don't celebrate equal that other countries.The shops decorate so much because this form the people buy more. In my opinion I think that this tradition is very interesting and funny.
The people in my country celebrate Halloween but only for have fun with friends like for example in the discos or the people that love to dress up of typical Halloween customs ( witch, ghost, vampire...) not as a tradition that is typical and become part of our culture like Castanyada in Catalunya. The shops owners use Halloween for prepare and think new products and food for try to sell and make money for the business. I think that this new traditions are funny to celebrate with the family and friends because it's funny and you laugh but also I think that we have to remember which are our own traditions and festivals because if we don't celebrate it nobody will do it.
We don't celebrate Halloween in Barcelona, but shops promote this tradition selling costumes and special sweets for Halloween. They do it because it's an opportunity to make money. I think that we have to celebrate our traditons. If we celebrate foreign traditions we will loose our culture.
In my neighbourhood people celebrate Halloween, are very popular, althought they are not traditional Spanish celebration. The shops are foll of witches, pumkins, ghosts, spider's webs and black cats. Althougt it is good to celebrate them, it is important to celebrate local costums and festivals.
Yes, people celebrate it because the shops promote these celebrations. Shops sell decorates and costues of Halloween. I think that is good, because it's funny, but we must not lose our traditions.
Some people of Barcelona celebrate Hallowe'en, but more interested in 'castanyada' and 'tots sants'. People in my city celebrate this holiday because they are influenced by the stores to sell costumes, witches and pumpkins. I think it's good to know other cultures but without forgetting our own. Ivet Sans
I think that the most important of a culture are the tradicions... and I am agree with Bernat and i prefer celebrate castanyada.The shops sell objects of halloween because there earn much money.
Here in Catalunya, Halloween isn't a traditional party, but a bussines take an advantage. For example the decore their shops on a terrorific way and sell products that go a long with their theme. Also theme parks like Port Aventura decorate their facilities with Halloween motives. We could say that it'll become a raditional party n a few years time.
Here in Barcelona people don't celebrate halloween, but in my family we do, becouse we are from Xile and the people celebrate halloween like in USA, it's funny, i used to dress in costums, like a witch or like a vampire... and my cousins used to do halloween parties, it was really funny, i think that spanish people should celebrate halloween, and try some different traditions,
In Catalunya, Halloween don't celebrated because it isn't a traditional party of here but de shops and other sectors promoted these celebratios for win more money. For example Port Aventura make a specialy activities for halloween to attract many people. For thinks like these, people don't celebrated castanyada, that is tipical of catalunya and lose their traditions.
Halloween is not a traditional festival of Catalonia and therefore not celebrated. though increasingly try stores celebrate. For example the bakery make shaped cookies pumpkin, bats, among others. in the shops in the shopwindow put spiders or bats.
Yes, in my city we celebrate Halloween, for example in my school, this year we are celebrating a mini party for little children of our school. They are very excited, because we are explaining a story on that day, Little ‘Black’ Riding Hood.
ReplyDeleteMany shops here in my city promote this festival, with Halloween’s decorations, for example, if you go at those shops, you can find and buy a costume of skeleton, witch… You can find pumpkins, toys, bad, spiders…
In my opinion this festival, will celebrate more from here to five or six years.
It is celebrated in Barcelona but I don't celebrate it. It isn't our tradition, our festivity is Castanyada and Tots Sants, but shops use it to sell more. Shops in Barcelona are decorated with ghosts, pumkins and some other things.
ReplyDeleteG. T. M.
People celebrate Halloween because the shops and the shopping center publish and promote this party for make a killing. I think that we can celebrate new traditions but when we really know her significate and her stories.
Yes, it's celebrated on Barcelona, the city where most of us live. Even though Hallowe'en is a very global festivity, here we have other as good as it, such 'The Castanyada' and All Saint's Day.
ReplyDeleteThe shops use this 'scary' day to make a killing, selling all type of costumes, food, decorations, pumpkins in all the sizes and shapes... Anything that could be sold, is do sold.
Yes, in my city the shops and the places of entertainment are decorated by pumpkins, ghosts, witches... and things that scare. I think that Halloween is an English tradition although here you are starting to celebrate. But the most normal thing is that the people celebrate "All the saints".
Yes, Halloween is celebrated in Barcelona but is more usual to celebrate all Saints Day. In my city during Halloween, the shops are decorated with pumpkins, ghosts, candles and other decorations of fear.
ReplyDeleteI think that it's a comercial event because most of the people buy more food and other items.
People in my city celebrate Haloween, althought it's celebrated since few years ago. Shops usully sell some typical costmes from halloween, for exemple they sell pumpkins, ghosts, witches and mummies.
ReplyDeleteDespite of Halloween, many people keep our catalan traditions, so they celebrate "Tots els sants".
Yes, in my city people celebrate Haloween but I don't it. Normally, the shops are decorated with pumpkins, candles and other scared things.
ReplyDeleteI think haloween is a global festivity specially in England but in my city we celebrate more ''All the saints''.
Yes, in my city people celebrate Halloween.
ReplyDeleteThe shops are decorated with scared things (spiders, witches,fancy dress, pumpkins...).
I think halloween in my city every time are more popular in the young people.
People in my city celebrate Halloween, but it's not a tradition from here, because this tradition was born in America, and here most people celebrate all saint day. I think that these kinds of celebrations are made to make money, the shops in these days are full of scary things, like costumes, masks… the aim of these celebrations is to have a good time.
Yes, we celebrated it. Halloween’s day people dress up like monsters and witch’s and go out to the street for catch candy's and scarred people joking. Many shop's of cakes do special cake's and sweet's with horrible forms: one eye, one finger etc.
ReplyDeleteBut here in Spain big part of people celebrate” Tots els sants".
Here, in Catalonia, people is not used to celebrate that kind of festivities or celebrations but there is a few group who celebrate them just for fun, mainly children who create groups and go around the street trying to find someone who gives them some sweets/candies.
ReplyDeleteReferring to shops, some try to look like american's putting up some decorations to draw attention to customers.
Some children celebrate Halloween in my city, but not all do it. In Barcelona Halloween's day is celebrated like all saints day. When I was little, I celebrated this festivity dressing a disguise, and I went to the shops asking for money, and it was very funny! To promote it, the shops sell costumes and masks, and put advertisements and offers in their shop.
ReplyDeleteSome people, mostly young people, celebrate it, but not everyone. Most of local shops don't matter about it. Youngsters dress up in scary costumes and they go to every house asking for some candy.
ReplyDeleteThis new tradition is an oportunity for people to know more about other countries' traditions and to have fun. They are also money-makers for some shops.
Yes, the people in Spain celebrate Hallowe'en. We don't care that the tradition haven't got Spanish origin, it's an excuse for do a party. It's a funny tradition because you can go with your disguise in the street, in the disco, in the classroom. For example, the game of "trick or treat?" it's amusing for do with little children. In Spain, we don't go to the houses of other people saying "Trick or treat?" because this is a "new" tradition here and not all the people know about it.
ReplyDeleteOf course, the shops promote Hallowe'en, why they waste this opportunity for get money? Now in Spain, you can see in the shops some decorations and ornamentations of Hallowe'en (pumpkins, bats, ghosts, witches, casseroles with slimy substances, monsters, spiders, spider webs...). The shops sell presents and halloween items with the aim of get extra money.
I think that this new tradition it's another excuse for celebrate 'something' that it could be funny. I doubt that the people that celebrate Hallowe'en know the meaning of the tradition. But I haven't got nothing against of celebrate Hallowe'en in Spain, why not?
Yes, I think that Hallowen is celebrate in my city but only by the youngest people because is a new tradition that come from others countries. Some exciting children go around the streets of the city with scary costumes as skeleton or ugly monsters aiming to make a joke to the other people.
ReplyDeleteIn most of the shops are scary objects in the shop window as a pumpkins to attract all the people.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYes, in my city, and in general, in my country, is celebrated Hallowe'en. But this festival is not celebrated by everyone, mostly by toung people and kids. Some shops and amusements parks promote it, and it is common to find terror parties in which assistants wear scary costumes, specially in discoteques like Titus or Cocoa.
ReplyDeleteI think it is good that this festivity is celebrated, because diversity is cultural riches, but always if this do not damage our own traditions, like "La Castanyera" o "Tots Sants".
Here, in my country, people used to celebrate this festivity or cultural celebration.
ReplyDeleteFor Halloween's day you can see costumes in toy shops and sweets everywhere.
Also, some schools decor the classrooms with leafs to represent the fall of autumn and both kids and teachers play games on the playground during the day.
But the spanish tradition we really follow is to eat chestnuts and stay near the hearth because of the cold of the coming winter.
Elisabeth. S
In Barcelona some people usually celebrate Halloween. Supermarkets and some kind of stores sell products to promote the festival. I'm totally agree with this new traditions, but I don't like when some people despise our cultural traditions.
Yes, and every time more and more, this is celebrate (normaly) for the more young people and the progress of this tradicion is killing the local traditions (Dia de tots els sants and Castanyada) we have tho control the progress of Hallowe'en, I think that the cultural shock it's ok but we have to control it.
ReplyDeleteThe shops promote Hallowe'en because they see a oportunity to gain money, they make events, sell candies, costumes, decorations...
In Spain people don't celebrate Halloween as much as other countries. Some people celebrate it but some people don't because this day isn't tradicional of Spain. Local shops promote this celebration with visual decoration like pumpkings or selling sweets or customs.
ReplyDeleteI think that this tradition is celebrated much more in other countries and in Spain is something new that some people not known because it isn't traditional of our countri, but it's an oportunity to celebrate a new festivity and have a good time with friends or family.
Andrea Pérez Bouza
In Spain Halloween is promoted as far as so many countries, but people doesn't celebrate it, only some kids asking door per door for some sweets and chocolates and I think this is caused because we celebrate the same day "La Castañera". I think that is foolish celebrate here Halloween, because, if this tradition has come to us is because of the USA and the consumerism and we don't "celebrate" the real spirit of this tradition, so this party isn't even american, so I think that if Halloween remained only as an Irish tradition, we wouldn't celebrate Halloween.
In Spain, Halloween isn't celebrated as it is in other countries. Some poeple celebrate it and some others don't. For example, school usually celebrate it, at least for childrens ro have fun and let them know new traditions.
ReplyDeleteShops promote it with Halloween decorations such as pumkins, ghosts, bad, spiders... to attract people to buy there, or selling cheaper their clothes.
In my opinion, I think it's good to celebrated it because it's a way to know new traditions, how other countries enjoy them, etc. and the important thing is to have fun.
In Spain people don't celebrate Halloween as much as other countries, it’s most typical celebrate All Saints’ Day.
ReplyDeleteLocal shops promote this celebration with visual tactics, like pumpkins or selling sweets or customs.
Personally, I think that this tradition is very interesting. I love dress up, and is the perfect chance to enjoy it.
In Spain, the people don't celebrate much Halloween because this celebration is from Anglo-Saxon countries. For the spanish people this tradition don't have the same meaning that for Anglo-Saxon people. In Spain halloween is like carnaval but the people only use to dress up for witch, mummy or frankenstein. One of the causes why the halloween don't have a lot of success in Spain is because the next day we have the religious festivity of All Saints’ Day. But the local shops promote halloween because they think that is an opportunity to make money.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion i think that is good learn others traditions but we must preserve and celebrate ours festivities because if we don't celebrate our parties, who will make it?
In Spain, specifically in Barcelona, people do not usually celebrate Halloween. Some people celebrate this tradition, although Halloween is not a typical Spanish tradition.
ReplyDeleteThe shops promote this festival with decorations of ghosts, monsters, witches and
sell candies.
I think that this new tradition is good for ours because we know traditions of different countries.
Halloween is celebrated in Barcelona but it is less celebrated than in other cities because it's not a traditional festivity of the city. Our festivity is "Castanyada" and "All Saint's Day".
ReplyDeleteShops promote this festival with costumes in toy shops, decorations of witches, monsters, pumpkins, etc. because they see an oportunity to earn money easily.
I think we can celebrate this new tradition and learn the history behind it but we should preserve our festivities.
Yes, in my city many people celebrate Halloween, especially in schools. Children dress up and play games. In Barcelona we are not used to go to the houses and ask for candies. The shops make money selling many costumes and other scary things.
Barcelona celebra Halloween, pero no es la tradición, sino que son los modales americanos, disfrasan en Barcelona al carnaval. en las tiendas a finales de septiembre, adornan con los colores naranja, negro, verde y blanco, poner calabazas, esqueletos, monstruos y brujas, disfraces y dulces se venden, en el área de mi barrio no vi a nadie vestido de monstruo, sólo cuando es Carnaval.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry Pedro. Only English is allowed in this blog.
DeleteHallowe'en is not a tradition in Spain but every year it's mist accptated by young people to celebrate funny parties or spend time with the friends. Here it's promote by the shops offering beaty shop windows or cheap thing to make the houses and the costumes so scarying.
ReplyDeleteI like this kind of paties, for me all the parties are good and we have to had enough time to smile during all the long year.
The people in my country celebrate haloween but isn't the most important festival. We go to party or do other things but Haloween don't celebrate equal that other countries.The shops decorate so much because this form the people buy more. In my opinion I think that this tradition is very interesting and funny.
ReplyDeleteThe people in my country celebrate Halloween but only for have fun with friends like for example in the discos or the people that love to dress up of typical Halloween customs ( witch, ghost, vampire...) not as a tradition that is typical and become part of our culture like Castanyada in Catalunya. The shops owners use Halloween for prepare and think new products and food for try to sell and make money for the business. I think that this new traditions are funny to celebrate with the family and friends because it's funny and you laugh but also I think that we have to remember which are our own traditions and festivals because if we don't celebrate it nobody will do it.
ReplyDeleteWe don't celebrate Halloween in Barcelona, but shops promote this tradition selling costumes and special sweets for Halloween. They do it because it's an opportunity to make money. I think that we have to celebrate our traditons. If we celebrate foreign traditions we will loose our culture.
ReplyDeleteIn my neighbourhood people celebrate Halloween, are very popular, althought they are not traditional Spanish celebration. The shops are foll of witches, pumkins, ghosts, spider's webs and black cats.
ReplyDeleteAlthougt it is good to celebrate them, it is important to celebrate local costums and festivals.
Yes, people celebrate it because the shops promote these celebrations. Shops sell decorates and costues of Halloween. I think that is good, because it's funny, but we must not lose our traditions.
ReplyDeleteSome people of Barcelona celebrate Hallowe'en, but more interested in 'castanyada' and 'tots sants'. People in my city celebrate this holiday because they are influenced by the stores to sell costumes, witches and pumpkins. I think it's good to know other cultures but without forgetting our own.
ReplyDeleteIvet Sans
I think that the most important of a culture are the tradicions... and I am agree with Bernat and i prefer celebrate castanyada.The shops sell objects of halloween because there earn much money.
ReplyDeleteHere in Catalunya, Halloween isn't a traditional party, but a bussines take an advantage. For example the decore their shops on a terrorific way and sell products that go a long with their theme. Also theme parks like Port Aventura decorate their facilities with Halloween motives. We could say that it'll become a raditional party n a few years time.
ReplyDeleteMarina Alonso
Here in Barcelona people don't celebrate halloween, but in my family we do, becouse we are from Xile and the people celebrate halloween like in USA, it's funny, i used to dress in costums, like a witch or like a vampire... and my cousins used to do halloween parties, it was really funny, i think that spanish people should celebrate halloween, and try some different traditions,
ReplyDeleteIn Catalunya, Halloween don't celebrated because it isn't a traditional party of here but de shops and other sectors promoted these celebratios for win more money. For example Port Aventura make a specialy activities for halloween to attract many people. For thinks like these, people don't celebrated castanyada, that is tipical of catalunya and lose their traditions.
ReplyDeleteHalloween is not a traditional festival of Catalonia and therefore not celebrated. though increasingly try stores celebrate. For example the bakery make shaped cookies pumpkin, bats, among others. in the shops in the shopwindow put spiders or bats.