Do You Make New Year’s Resolutions? The beginning of the year is a time to consider the changes we want to make in our lives. Do you see the start of 2013 as an opportunity to improve your life? Have you made any changes or resolutions? Do you want to? If not, Why not?
Happy New Year!
Many people say that the start of a new year is a perfect opportunity to correct bad routines, forgive and apologize.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion this is absolutely right but it's not necessary do this actions in the start of a new year. Today, tomorrow, the day after, are the perfect days to give bliss to life.
My resolutions are be more sympathetic with the people who don't smiles me, be more open-minded with the things which I can't understand and continue work hard because if you don't stop working, always the life will reward.
The secret of life is appreciate every minute of the day.
Happy New Year and bliss for all!
If it was possible one entry more before the return to school, it could talk about the school work on holidays.
Actually I haven't though any resolution for 2013, because I probably won't achieve those new purposes. I think my objectives these new year will be the same of 2012: get good grades in my studies and enjoy of my family and friends, as well as of my spare time and my hobbies.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year for everyone!
Best wishes,
I think that the ending of a year is not special time to make resolutions since the resolutions can be made all over the year. If you want to change, you don't have to wait the new year to make it. Moreover, the proposes that many people make are very general, like :'i'll be a better person'. I think that, when you make proposes, you have be more concrete, like: 'i'll go to the gym every weekend to be helthier'.
ReplyDeleteHappy 2013 for everybody
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ReplyDeleteMany people say that the start of a new year is a perfect opportunity for change their life, furthermore it is the ideal time for propose some challenges.
ReplyDeleteBut why the beginning of a new year? In my opinion, every day we can correct bad behaviour, the most important is getting your purpose.
Many things are said when the new year begins, but what really proud to oneself is making ends year with what was said done, also never tell you is going to be easy and not really tell you because you will to be easy and that is why the do you feel satisfied and proud of yourself.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year to all!
when I think in the new year always have many people that they think about several things that they know that then does not succeed.I think that the best is to set goals that you can achieve.
ReplyDeleteYou have to believe that it is good to forget the bad of the previous year and take the good memories to confront the new year with positive desires.
Happy year to all!
When a new year begins, the people always proposes change thinks in their life or attitudes that they don't like or they just they want make that thinks better. I think that it's a good way to think about that thinks you made wrong.
ReplyDeleteHappy new year to all!
Every year I get more or less the same purposes for the new year, for example; study more, do more exercise, spend more time with family, save my money ... but I never performed it, so my resolutions for this year are the same as those of 2011 and 2012.
ReplyDeleteHappy new year to all,
Each end of the year, I get different purposes.
ReplyDeleteI think of all the things I've done wrong throughout the year and I try to think of solutions that go well the next year.
I also think of the good things that have happened to me and I try to to follow too.
I break all my purpose but I try it, I always end the year in a good way and that is satisfactory for me.
I hope that you would have the best year possible.
I think that when one person actually wants change something of his life because isn't like he doesn't wait for a new year, however I think that is the perfect moment to make better and make the balance of the actions that in the past do. The new year is a new opportunity for search other roads and change the objectives. I don't want change the objectives of this year because are the same of 2012, but probably I change how to procure them. In this year I want learn to think less and act more.
ReplyDeleteI hope that this year will be better than the last!
ReplyDeleteI don't make New Year’s Resolutions. I think that people can improve their lifes when they want it. No, the reason is simple, it's easier and better to improve your life every moment you live for reach the success. See you tomorrow!:)
When we start the year, many people make purposes but then they don't comply next to nothing. I think that if we want to change something, it's not necessary to do it when you start the year, you can do whenever you want. My objective is to make every year better than the last. See you soon! :)
The truth is that this year I have not done any purposes, but I have decided that I have to be happy and enjoy the people who are around me. I think it will be a great year. That year is full of changes, because our lives will happen to be others.
ReplyDeleteMy advice to all of my friends is that we enjoy each day as the last, because life is too good and we have to live it properly.
Happy 2013!
Aitor Sánchez Gil
I dont make new year’s resolutions because I am happy with my family and friends and I needn't this resolutions, but I am working for keep my family and friends and be better everyday. The new year's resolutions often don't use to become real too.
ReplyDeleteHappy new year for all!
I don't have a new year's resolutions because I think that is useless and will not save anithing of my problems.
ReplyDeleteJordi Abelló
It is always good to change for the better and the habit is to choose the year to do so. The changes or developments to the people are very important as it is to change or blocked, people have the urge to improve and be better personally. I do not do so every year, I will propose some objectives or improvements throughout the year.
ReplyDeleteJorge Sourourian Redón (Lo importante no es llegar siendo el primero,sino llegar al final con la conciencia tranquila de que no pude hacer más)