Monday, 14 January 2013

Research Project

Now you have already finished your Research Projects, write an abstract of your paper.


  1. In my Reserch Project I had answred why and how a 10.000kg machine can fly as a bird. These answer it's found in a little-known side of the physics: the aerodynamics. The Project explains the basic physical principles of the flight and how a plane take advantage of these principles. After that theorical knowing, I manufactured two wings with two diferent airfoils. Moreover, I depeloped two experimental proofs with each wing in order to define their aerodynamic characteristics. The first proof was to test the wings in a wind tunel and the second one to watch the flow of wind around the wing with the aid of smoke.

    I actualy want to read about all your Projects.


    1. Wow! Sergi, I still remember your class presentation last year on the Wright brothers. It sounds very challeging. Best of luck!

  2. My Research Project is “Comparativa tècnica entre dos embarcacions: Chaparral 215 SSi, Jeanneau Cap Camarat 6.5 WA". It compares two boats working with the knowledges about of mathematics, physics and technical draw.

    This Research Project is divided in three objectives, but the principal objective is discover what boat is more efficient.

    First objective: Do a research in different books and web pages for understand and do understand to readers what is a boat, explain the important elements of the boats that will use to compare the two boats and finally show to readers the two boats that will have compared.

    Second objective: Compare the two boats with the vision of their form and their design. For make possible this objective I have made drawings of the boats and I have taken photos (in and out of the water) to have material for start the compare.

    Third objective: Compare the two boats with the vision of their efficiency. For make possible this objective I have created some tests for the boats to measure the different navigation characteristics to can start the compare.

    Finally, I have completed the three objectives and the result is that there aren’t a boat better because neither of two boats have overcome the other in all of the tests, but this Research Project have made possible to describe the technical characteristics of the two boats.

    I wish that you will get a good mark

    1. As for Sergi, I am amazed at your projects. They sound very complicated to me. Good luck to you too.


    My project is based on the topic of muslim woman. It talks about her situation in developed societies and in her origin countries. It compares the references law, the Corán, with the application in the reality.
    We can find in the occidental societies a lot of prejudices around muslim woman, such as her attitude of submission to man, even many people think they are a kind of slaves. For this reason, muslim woman is refused and misunderstood by occidental thinking. However, we should know that in the origins the Corán was written to advantatge woman, but with the time the man has used the religion to dominate woman.
    To sum up, it is clear that the Corán was created to get everyone happinness, but maybe it didn’t considere her own opinion. Actually, there are different interpretations of the muslim law: from strict interpretation to other free interpretations that are situate muslim woman in less position to man.

    Carla Fuster.

    1. Carla, the muslim women is an amazing theme, isn't it? I don't know much about it and yes, I'm one of the people who thinks they are too dependent on their husbands. I would love to read your paper. Good luck!

  4. My Research Project is "El espectro autista", are about the disease of autism. The objectives of project are:
    1. What's the autism and what degrees are?
    2. What's the percentage of knowledge of autism of people doing a survey?
    3. How is day to day with an autistic child, Matthew? It's an interview done by the mother.
    4. Collect scenes of the film Rain Man and pieces of the book "El curioso caso del incidente a media noche, which are reflected of attitudes of autism.

    This Research Project has helped me to understand what this disease and know thay having an autistic child isn't easy.

    1. Marta, a few years' ago I worked on a project about Asperger's Syndrome which is very related to your paper. It is a very interesting theme. I hope you have enjoyed doing your project. Good luck !!!

  5. My research project talks about the eosinophils. Eosinophils are a type of leukocytes or white blood cells that defend our body from parasites and certain types of infections. They involved in the regulation of the allergic response. If you have the eosinophils higher or lower you will suffer some consequences that I explain in the project that you are going to read. I had done some interviews and surveys for taking out information about how it affects in the society and I had been working in a laboratories for a period of time.

    I have done this project because the day before to tell the title to the teacher, I went to hospital for getting an analysis, and then I had observed that some parameters were incorrectly. Afterward I asked to the doctor for this “strange word”, he told me that eosinophils were higher than the normal because I suffered from allergy, and this was the reason why I had some bites in the skin and I sneeze too much.

    Alex :)

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  7. I have been always interested in Criminology and all the Forensic sciences so this is why I decided to choose that topic in my research project. Nowadays, there are a lot of sciences working with Criminology and I thought that it was a good idea to talk about it.
    The project speaks about the investigation project carried out when a crime takes place.
    The main objectives were two. On the one hand, it was important to know about what is the criminal investigation and the different elements that take place on it. On the other hand, make a research about how criminology and the forensic sciences work nowadays. This last objective was realized by making some interviews to some criminologists.
    In conclusion, I think that it was a hard work but it also was a great experience.


  8. My Research Project is called “The Spanish democracy: Historical precedents and the founding of a political party.” The project is about our democracy: his history (the most important constitutions of the last 200 years, how we arrived to a democratic system throughout the Transition, etc.) and how it works (the different authorities, the judicial system, and also our legislative chambers and the public administrations, etc.). The objectives of the project are the following:

    -Make a “trip” through the most important constitutions of the history of Spain, to know something about the democratic precedents in our country; from the Constitution of 1812 (Did you know that the past year was the bicentennial of our first constitution? In my opinion, it’s a shame that our government and our cultural organizations doesn’t prepared any type of cultural celebration of this event during 2012) until the Constitution of 1978, passing through the Constitution of 1837 and the Constitution of 1931.

    -Write up a synthesis of the historical period of the “Transition”, from the death of the Dictator Francisco Franco until the overwhelming victory of the PSOE in the government election of 1982.

    -Write up a recapitulation about the political, judicial and administrative structure of the Spanish state.

    -Make a simulation of the establishment of a new political party, executing all the steps to achieve that this “project” of political party is able to be registered in the Register of Political Parties of the Kingdom of Spain. As a result of this objective, a guide of how to establish a new political party and the Foundational Agreement of the PNCE (the fictitious political party “created” in this project) has been created.

    I have extract a lot of conclusions about each one of this objectives, but if I had to choose what of these conclusions are the most significant, I would choose the one that says that we have too many legislative chambers (a total of 19 in all the country), duplicated administrations (we have Autonomous Communities and Provincial Councils, who fulfill essentially the same functions) and authorities like the Senate, who are not necessary for the legislative function, and what’s more: the Senate slow down or stop the decisions of the Congress of Deputies, slowing the bureaucracy and adding an extra cost to already injured economical safe of the nation.

    Best wishes to everyone with your Research Projects,


  9. My research project is about the repression of women during Franco regime.

    The objectives of this project are:
    - Making a brief introduction of about Francoism.
    - Investigating the repression of women in their lives.
    - Researching the main causes to put women in jail during this period of time.
    - Comparing women imprisioned during 1939, 1940, 1941 and 1949, 1950, 1951.

    I have learnt a lot of things with this project: Franco regime used the repression to get power and control.
    Republican women sufflered a cruel repression and they were marginalized in the society.
    The main causes to put women in jail were politic crime.
    Finally, women imprisioned during these two periods were very different, mainly in crimes and ages.

    I have got a lot of very interesting information with this project.


  10. My Research Project is “Una solución de aprendizaje con la PNL”.

    Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a discredited approach to communication, personal development and psychotherapy. The title asserts a connection between the neurological processes ("neuro"), language ("linguistic"), and behavioural patterns learned through experience ("programming") that persons who use PNL can be changed to achieve specific goals in life.

    In my Research Project I use PNL for learn spelling. I teached spelling and other PNL to a student and analyzed the efectiveness of this techniques.

  11. My research project is “Medicinal plants”.

    In my work I have explained among other things that are medicinal plants, their history and some kinds of medicinal plants such as Marihuana, Mint, Aloe Vera, etc.

    I have also made soap with Aloe Vera.

    Also I have realized surveys of this topic to the people and it is possible to say that they know enough of the curative plants.

    Finally I have done an interview with a doctor and two specialists in medicinal plants.

  12. My research project as you well know speaks of idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. A disease is which the cause is unknown and its main symptoms are weariness, dream, dry cough and an abdominal pain. In Spain a transplant of pneumocytes of lungs of dead people to lungs of affected people has been discovered, this would facilitate the quality of life of patients both physically and psychologically.
    I've done the research of this disease and its transplantation to find out how people affected by the disease live and how lives it people of the surrounding. To do this, I've done different interviews and surveys to specialized people and affected persons. Thank you for your collaboration in work, Assumpta.
    See you tomorrow:)


  13. My Research Project is about one of the blood diseases called leukemia.

    First, I’ve talked about blood cells: red blood cells or erythrocytes, white blood cells or leukocytes and platelets or thrombocytes. This cells are made by stem cells in bone marrow.
    A blasts (immature cells) proliferation causes leukemia. Then, I’ve talked about which are the symptoms and treatments of this disease.
    Furthermore, I’ve investigated about what people know about leukemia and I’ve interviewed specialists and patients about main aspects of this disease.
    Finally, I have seen blood and marrow cells in a laboratory.

    Actually, I have enjoyed doing this Research Project.


  14. I have been working in a research project about a disease called brittle bone.
    This disease is caused by the lack of a protein calles collagen. Collagen is very important in our bodies to be able to walk for example.
    People with this disease have to be very careful with their daily activities because they can easily break their bones. It can also cause desfness or orteoporosis.
    It doesn't exist a treatment but they can do some exercices and take some precautions to get the least damage and pain.

    I think it was a good experience working on this project.


  15. My Research Project is about Reintegration into society.
    This job pretends know as a person that having committed an offense in the social structure is able to re-enter society.
    This work has been achieved through various interviews with psychologists, testimonies and experts who live every day with the children. Age in that the work has concentrated. As part practice was presence in "juvenile facility" where I could experience firsthand, the emotions and feelings of these children, and how are the processes of reintegration into society.
    This Project, is largely unknown to many, for me has been a way to meet other worlds that are present in our society.


  16. My research project is about stress and school anxiety.

    I want to determine both the factors that cause these disorders, their consequences and preventive measures that can be carried out. I have also discussed how they would affect different problems students and the degree of stress and anxiety that would come of it. All this from the point of view of pupils of second high school. Today many students are experiencing stress and anxiety more intensely than it should and is a current issue that affects us less or more to all of us.


  17. After some months of hard work it have finally arrived the day to give it to the teachers. I'm proud of my work and I hope to get a high mark on it.
    I made my work about mobile applications. I described how they are made and I made two apps, one for a newspaper named MásPúblico and the other one for my school.p
    When I started my work I thougt on making very ambicious objectives, like creating a 3D game of the whole school, but it was such a big objective for a so little time that I was unable to do it so I dropped the project after 3 weeks of working on it and I focused the other objectives. I also wanted to develop applications for Android smartphones, but I didn't have enough time to learn how to do it, so I also left it.
    But finally I finished the main objectives that I had in mind and I learned a lot from the other ones that I tried to achieve!


  18. The publicity is a sector that I like much and because of it always I've known that my research project would be on this, but it is a big sector, I didn't know that title to put. After many months thinking, I decided to do it about the production of spot publicity. I love this world. I have a relative who has a company of fast-food. This company also it from of his research project. We join to do this project and it has been very interesting. It has got only two objectives: the theoretical one to know better the audio-visual world and the origins of the publicity and other one, which was the practical. In the practical I did the spot with the help of my family and my friends who could be actors, chamber, etc... Now this advertisement is in Internet and is in use as promotion of the local of dinner. I like very much my research project but I finally finished!!

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  20. My Research Project is about telomeres and telomerase.

    The telomerase is an enzyme responsible for protecting the telomeres (the end of the chromosomes' arms of DNA, which are created before mitosis) of its shortening, which occurs in every cell divisions. As we age, telomeres are shorter and appear lot of deficiencies and diseases, like Alzheimer's. Conversely, if telomerase is very active, can create tumors, because the chromosomes are very protected from degradation and the cells can divide it without control. This is very currently in the biomedicine investigations, and I chose it because that interested me very much.

    I am very happy with the work I've done and, specially, because I deliver it a week ago

    Aitor Sánchez Gil

  21. My Research Project is about how good the english level is in the spanish students.

    As we may already know, english is essential for practically everything in life, especially for work, because in a few year almost 2.000 million of people will be learning english and the people who doesn't know english by then will be in disadvantage to those who already know english. The problem is that the english level in spain is very low, in adults and in students too, and students are the future. In my research project I wanted to analyze the english level of the spanish students, see the problems that they have in the different competencies (listening, writing, reading and speaking), see the problems on the spanish educational system and search some solutions to those problems.

    The objetives of the project are:
    1. Study the reason why english is so important nowadays, as an introduction to the research project.
    2. Check if this failure among the spanish students in english is true and find the reasons of why this low level exists in Spain after so many years of leaning english at school.
    3. Research about the EFL vs ESL -English as a Foreing Lenguage vs English as a Second Lenguage- the differences between them and find which one is the best way of learning english and purchase a better level in english.
    4. Observe which country has a better level in english, research about its educational system and compare it with the spanish educational system. Observe the differences between them and try to find if those inequalities are what make that there's a low english level in Spain.
    5. Search new ways, new methods to improve the english level in Spain.

    In objectives 1, 3, 4 and 5 the methdology was a research in internet and different sources of information, even that in objective 5 there is a bit of personal experience from when I worked in a kindergarden and I saw how little kids can withhold information and know more english than someone who's already in school, is in the 2 objective where the practic work is. For this objective I passed english exam of the 'Proves diagnóstiques' to 4th of ESO students, the 'Proves diagnóstiques' are exams that every 4th of ESO student has to do to see how the level of the principal subjects are, I used these exams so I could analyze them and see how bad the level of english was in the different competencies. Furthermore I did a poll to students between the ages of 14 and 17 to see their levels in the different competencies, in which year they started to study english and how good they think their english level is, the same poll had a few exercices to prove if their level of english was as good as they tought and to prove if the english level was as bad as almost everyone thinks.

    It was really hard to do this job and I had to work really hard, but now that I have finished I'm really happy with my Research Project and really proud about it!


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  23. My Research Project is about neurescience and her relationship with the stem cells. In there, I explain in depth the whole nervous sistems and, especifically, I focus on medular lesions, about their social knowledge and their treatment and cure. I try to connect que cure of the medular lesions with the experimental traetment with stem cells but, at the moment, it is not a popular opcion in the world of medicine, because it have some problems that can make this traetment dangerous.

    This Project was more hard as I expected, but I'm glad to finally finished that, whatever the mark will be.

  24. My research project is about the police of Catalonia: the mossos d'esquadra. I picked this theme because in the future I will be a police man.
    The objectives of this project are:
    -Know the history of the Catalan police, the requirements needed to enter in this police, uniforms, weapons and vehicles used.
    -Know that the society about this police force.
    -Perform some interviews to find out who they are and what they think the Catalan police about their profession.
    Doing this work I have learned many things that previously did not know about the police force,and that in the future I will like to join. I think it's an interesting job because you defence the other people and this for me is satisfactory.
    In especial I like have the opportunity to interview four mossos d'esquadra in person.


  25. My research project is about the Franco education.
    I've done this theme because I think that is very interesting.
    To start, I explain the historical context about this time and the steps. After, I determine the role that women had then, the discrimination and the diferents of the sexes in the school. Finally, the influence of the church in the school and in the moment in general through books and webs.

    I liked doing the work and have had the opportunity to learn many things about it.


  26. My reasearch project is about the serial killers. I would like to know the personality of the serial killers.

    I searched more information about the types of serial killer, history, mythology, resolution of crime and killers. I did a history of the fictional characters using two killers of reality.

    This project is more difficult, but interesting too. More people think that this type of assassins doesn't real, but this idea doesn't verity.

    I prove in my work that this thema is serious and we can solve a lot of crimes.

    Georgina Acosta

  27. Where has the teacher evolve to?

    In my Research Project and have studied which are the current method of teaching to propose some improvements that will allow that a teacher could adapt to the children of our present day society.
    To carry out this work investigation I contrast the information with experts that daily deal with educational progress. I also get so interesting conclusions from the children and teacher’s behaviour and from the skills they present nowadays. Not to mention, how useful has been the children’s opinion to gain the objective: find the perfect teacher prototipe.

  28. My research project is about the create online store (
    The objectives of this project is learn the commerce history ¡, learn how I can create a online store and the bussines plan. My practise part has two points: create a business plan for and create the online store. If do you want, you will visited my store: .
    This research project helped me because I want to open a online store this summer.

    Jordi Abelló
