Sunday, 22 December 2013


If there were cameras in schools in your country, would this stop bad behaviour such as bullying? Why? Why not?


  1. Hello Assumpta,

    First of all I must say that bullying is considered as a harassment, and, therefore, it's a behavior that acts against the law.
    Responding to your answer, I don't really think putting cameras in places such schools would stop bullying, just because it's a type of behaviour that some people present and a camera wouldn't change it. That said, cameras may stop bullying inside the school but... What about outside? When school finishes there are no cameras so that type of agressors could act then. Don't you think so?

    Merry Christmas! ;D

  2. Well, I don't think cameras would be the best solution for stopping bullying.
    Everybody should be free, and if there were cameras it probably would go against the law, because that's a violence of the privacy. I think that if you are suffering bullying the first thing you should do is tell that to your parents, they would help you.
    There's no need to spend money on putting cameras in everywhere in the school, the main fact is to be respected, and if something goes in the wrong way tell that to someone.

    Merry Christmas Assumpta :)

  3. Hello Assumpta,

    No, I believe that the installation of cameras in the schools wouldn't solve the problem, because the herassers know how to act in a hidden way and not to create any suspicion. I think that the solution is to denounce always these situations to isolate the herassers and to punish it.

    Merry Christmas! :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hello Assumpta,

    I think that putting cameras in a school isn't the best solution to stop the bullying. Everyone should be free to do whatever he wants and the cameras us stealing the intimacy. Although we put cameras in the school, outside of it not we can control it.

    Merry Christmas!


  6. Hello Assumpta,

    Bullying is a harassment that unfortunately many people is suffering nowadays, mainly children, so I don't think the installation of cameras in schools is the best way to stop bullying.

    Firstly, because the harassers not only act in schools, but via internet, phones,etc. Therefore, it is a way to stop it telling an adult or someone you think it can help you.

    Just putting some cameras at school won't stop that because outside of it, people has no protecction, but what's true is that maybe if students know about that cameras their behaviour will be better at school, or maybe not.

    Summing up, what we have to do if we're in this situation, or know about someone who's suffering it, is tell an adult, the headmaster or anyone who can help us. We need to find a better way a part of cameras to finish with all this.

    Merry Chistmas and Happy New Year! :)

  7. I do not think that cameras in schools would stop bullying because the persons who do this type of acts know how to do it and where.

    Furthermore, bullying can be verbal and in this case, cameras maybe can not record this kind of violence.

    For example if someone wants to threat somebody, if he/she knows that in his/her school there are cameras, probably, he/she will act out of school.

    For this things, I think that cameras in schools do not stop bullying.

    GTM - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

  8. Hi Assumpta,

    Bullying is obviously a very bad behaviour, but those ones who harass may say, or even may think, that it's all a joke, and they don't understand the damage that they can inflict on the victim. The line between bullying and joke is very thin.

    Regarding the cameras, I think that it's a good point, so if someone wants to report bullying or something similar, there are proofs to punish the harasser. However, every law has a loophole, some of them may find the way to save his or her neck. Also, the bullying can be done out of the school, by internet or psychologically, and the cameras would not prove anything.

    Merry Christmas!


  9. In my opinion, cameras in schools would stop bullying because people who treat badly other students would be seen –and also their behaviour-. However, this wouldn’t stop the marginalization of the students who suffered from bullying; they would be still alone. For this reason, I would say that the solution is to concern students and teachers of the danger of bullying, and tell teachers to stop this behaviour, not cameras.

  10. In my opinion, I think that the cameras in the school help the children don't suffer bullying. Although often this harassment can be out of school as children can be harassed by phone, facebook, etc..

    So I think it cameras in school help these children during the hours they are in school don't have any harassment.

  11. In my opinion, put cameras in school is a good option because it could also see people who are out to steal books or materials of others as there are always problems with this issue , would be a way to resolve the conflict . As for privacy I do not think it will stop.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  12. It is truth that nowadays the topic ‘bullying’ is in mouth of every student, just because they are suffering it or just because somebody around them knows about it. But here in Spain it wouldn’t be the real problem of schools. I think that here students are more social than in United States, for example. There are no groups like the nerds, the dancers, the clever ones... everybody talks with anybody! So, the decision of install cameras on the walls of schools here in Spain just would make mad the parents and would be a reason for the students to be rebel or do many silly things in front of the cameras. This is how Spanish people, in my view, would react... and it would be pretty funny!

  13. The bullying is an act very violent and cause very phsycological problems to pepople and naw is very comon in many countrys especially in children and teenagers but in my opinión, put cameras in the school isn't a good idea for stop the bullyng because can stop the bullying in the school but in other places the bullyng will increase.
    If the students don't do bullying to other people for fear to punishments or they continue with bullyng and the teachers penalize for these, the students localitzate other places and other options to practise thes bullying and these is bad because the teachers don't do nothing. I think that the bullying is a problema that is very dificult to resolve but is necessary fine an effective solution.

  14. In my honest opinion, putting cameras in schools would stop bullying and much more bad behaviours like throwing paper out of the trash or screaming at the hall.

    However if there were cameras everywhere people wouldn't behave in a normal way, and moreover some students and teachers would be embarassed beside of their acts.
    The school would be like a dictatorship like George Orwell's book "1984". The director could see everything you wold be doing and I think this breaks the privacy of the people.
    To sum up, I think we should prepare people who suffer bullying to they know to defend themselfes and keep the privacy of all people up.

    Àlex Perdiguer

    1. Some teachers??? Embarrassed? I wonder what some teachers say or do to feel embarrassed?

  15. In my opinion, put cameras in the school is a good idea for stop the bullyng because the teachers will see who do bullyng but can't stop the bullying other places.
    That's one solution for the problem but isn't the best.

  16. Hello Assumpta, I think that cameras can stop bullying inside the school, but no in the street and in social networks, this solution only can destroy the bullying inside the school and the theft of school suplies.

    Happy holidays.

  17. Hello Assumpta,

    I think that cameras in schools aren't a good idea because bullying is not only at teaching time, it's also in the streets, if boys and girls can't humiliate during school time they will use internet or they will way since the student has left the building to start a psychological attack using moviles, internet and all they have around to destroy a person.

  18. In my opinion, bullying is a harassment very difficult to stop and putting cameras in school is not the best option because that would make more angry the aggressors. With the cameras won't solve the problem because the attackers would pursue down the street to the aggrieved person and the other people couldn't help this person.

  19. In my opinion, put cameras in the school can help to eradicate some problems of the school like bullying, but only in the school because the children that suffer bullying also suffer this tipe attacks by internet or many other forms. I think that put the camaras can be good to the school because the students will be more corrects However if we speak of intimidation I think that educate students and talks of testimonies of these attacks would be more effective.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

  20. In my opinion, the cameras in the school aren’t a good idea because the students feel watching all times and I think that the bulling would not be solved. The students can’t only do bullying at school but also in social networks or in the street.

    The bullying is a big problem in all schools and to do something that isn’t produced.
    Teachers must watch their students so that this doesn’t happen.


  21. From my point of view, bullying consists of three types of abuse: emotional, verbal and physical.
    In my opinion, cameras in schools wouldn’t stop bullying because people who treat badly others could use others methods as intimidation. And also, I supposed that in the toilets there aren’t cameras, so bullying can be practice there.
    I share the same opinion of my partner, Alex Martin, the solution is to concern students and teachers of the danger of bullying, and tell teachers to stop this behavior.

  22. Hello,
    I think that the cameras in schools would be stop the bullying in the precint of the centre but this don't stop the bullying because out of the school the children can be a victim of the bullying. moreover. In addition to this, I personally think that the bullying should be stop imposing education to the agresors and teach them the meaning of the respect.


  23. Hello Assumpta,
    Well, I think that having cameras in the school is a good idea to stop bullying. But these cameras only will helpful if bullying is punished. Anyway the feeling that you are safe because you know that a camera is watching if you're being abused will do you more strong against bullyng.
    However, I think that those cameras aren't a magical solution to exterminate abuses in the schools. Will always exist bullyng, unless people realize the gravity of the problem. Cameras only are an aid to control the security of the students.


  24. Good evening Assumpta,
    In my opinion it can be good put cameras in the school to stop the building and other bad behaviors.
    Although it will mean “good bye” to privacy of people in the school. And the reason to install this cameras it’s will be broken the bulling, but the result will be similar, the person’s will do that bad acts outside of the school and the view of the cameras.
    To sum up, it will not be better install cameras , it will be better the human help.

  25. Hi Assumpta:)

    I think that put cameras in a school, may be good for the subject of harassment, bullyng ... but on the other hand does not seem to me to be very correct put cameras, by that prevents it from being free and we removed the privacy.

  26. In my opinion put cameras in the school wouldn't stop bullying or bad behavior. Maybe reduce this conduct in the area of school, but the cameras can´t see outside of this place, and who suffers this attacks feels threatened everywhere, so I think maybe the cameras helps a little, but the problem will not disappear.
    Lucía Rodríguez.

  27. Hi Assumpta,
    I don't think installing cameras on schools will finish up with bullying, because bullying is a fenomenon that happens all the time and if the bully sees the cameras will do it more often but this time in private. They might help a bit because there will always be an absent-minded one but it's not the most correct answer. In my ipinion, if you have bullies on you, you must tell someone inmediatlly so it can stop.

  28. In my opinion, cameras in the classroom would be able to put everyone on their best behavior and this probably would reduce bullying.
    However, if people know that the school has cameras, the harassers will act outside or via internet and in the school they will act like nothing is happening. For this, people who suffer bullying must tell an adult or someone they think could help them.
    To sum up, putting cameras in school isn't a way to end with bullying and also isn't a good idea because they invade the students privacy.

  29. Hi all.
    In my opinion i don't think that put cameras on the school help the people with have this problem , i think that is more important punish the people who make this actions than control people.
    honestly for me there is no problem for install cameras , but i think that people could disturb and rightly.

  30. Hiii!! I think that who want do bulling, this person going to do equal with camera and without camera. Yes! is a good idea beacuse the people that suffer the bullying will feel safer but isn't solution.

    In mi opinion the bullying is created by the person that provocated and he alone have the fault. The solution there is in the aducation of his fathers.

  31. Bullying is a problem very common in the recent years. It seems that is 'cool' have someone to attack, hit or exclude. For that reason I think that the installation of cameras in schools can help to stop bullying, but not for sure.

    Firstly, I think that if we are observed by cameras, our behavior maybe can change for well, but only in the schools. This is because a person who makes bullying to others, make bullying in all of places, not only in the school. In the street there are not cameras that are observing and thanks to internet you can be an anonimous person without anyone knowing...

    Secondly, I think that most of the people that suffer bullying feel very scared of her attacker, and this causes that this people not dare to tell the problem to anybody adult, like her parents or teachers. But the installation of cameras in the school maybe help to stop bullying in schools.

    Summing up, it's easy reduce bullying and agressions in school with the installation of cameras, but it's too difficult stop bullying outside schools: in the street, internet... All we can do is avoid it and avoid people can do it to others. And, if we know some case about bullying, best thing we can do is report the situation to someone with sufficient experience and authority.

    Andrea Pérez Bouza

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I think that the cameras in schools can't stop the bullying or bad behaviour, because the aggressors will not stop mistreating. Maybe, the conduct is reduced the conduct in this area, but the aggressions may result in other places, outside of school.

    To sum up, bullying is a big problem that many children suffer, and for this reason, it must be controlled for the good of all.

  34. I think that installing cameras is a bad idea, because the bullies would decrease their activity in school, but it would increase outside the school, where teachers and parents can't be watching all the time. Maybe a good way to finish with bullying is to sensitize the students with the horrible results of bullying.

  35. I think that the installation of cameras in the schools is a good measure, if the aim of the cameras is to remove bullying or other similar bad behaviours in the schools or high schools. But the cameras also have an important disadvantage, for example that the cameras recording can change the class dynamics and the participation of the students in class.
    Finally I think that the idea of the cameras is a good one but only for very troubled schools because the cost o the cameras is very high, and not in all the schools is necessary.

  36. Hi Assumpta

    I don't really think putting cameras in places such schools would stop bullying, well in the school and in the zones where a camera can record the actions, YES, because none of us want to be watched disturbing somebody, thanks to the cameras.

    But, out of the school, if someone wants to steal or kick somebody, he or she will continue to do; they don’t care of the cameras, because out of the school no one records their actions.

