Write an abstract of your Research Project.
Remember an abstract is a summury of contents of any in-depth analysis of a particular subject or discipline, and is used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper's purpose.
Best of luck to you all!
The research I have done is based on multiple intelligences as an educational method . It is a study of the eight intelligences identified by Howard Gardner. It has been shown how each of these intelligences in a class of children in P-4, between 4 and 5 years develops , is evaluated with an interview about the level of knowledge of teachers in this educational method , and , through a survey to parents of children aged between 3 and 6 years, it has been compared which intelligence is more developed in each age. The extracted conclusions are that there is a positive educational approach that values the individual abilities of each child; children participate in learning, not realizing when stimulated and having fun. At age 4 years highlight the linguistic-verbal intelligence, and for his great musical development and logical-mathematical intelligence and interpersonal by their underrepresentation; teachers are aware of this new method and are introduced it gradually; and, the parents don’t have information yet of this teaching method.
My research is based on the history of the Buckingham Palace and the British monarchy. I've searched and learned the history of the main residence of the Queen in London and the royal residences in the United Kingdom. In addition, I have introduced some aspects of the life of the Queen, from birth through her marriage and ascent to the throne. For fieldwork, I made two surveys, 50 to British native people and 50 to Spanish residents, to check the popularity of the monarchy, getting as a result that none is accepted into de society, but the British get more positive votes. I also made a tour guide of the parts of the palace that are opened to the public. Some of the conclusions I've reached are that Queen Elizabeth II is more popular than the King Juan Carlos I, there are several differences between public life of Queen Elizabeth II and King Juan Carlos I, mainly in their agendas and finally, Buckingham Palace contains numerous works of art from the legacies of the various monarchs who have resided in the palace. Personally, I've learn lots of things doing this job as it's a topic that I really like, and I hope to get a good mark as I've worked hard on it.
My investigation project talks about disorders on eating habits and I have investigated more on anorexia and bulimia. First I've donde a small introduction about what are disroders and the eating behavoir followe by a talk on anorexia and a bit of it's history. I've explained which can the causes be and how society is influenced (with direct and indirect ads), I've also explained it's characteristics and the relationships with the mother, the father and the brothers because they can be different. I've done the same thing with the bulimia but in this one I've added the therapies that can be done. As a practice I've done a suvery and afterwards I've done some graphics and percentages between both. I've done the same interview to different doctors and then I've done comparison table between both of them. The conclusions that I've obtained from the graphics, for example, is that people confuse anorexia and bulimia in terms of definition and don't know about the ages that appear and If they need treatments.
My research project is about the engines in the conveyance. The engines adapt to the vehicles which use them. There are combinations of different engines, such as hybrid engines. In jet engines, the turbojet and the ramjet were the basis for other engines, such as turbofan, turboprop or turboramjet.
In the racing world every simple component is studied, remodelled and reinforced. However, the bodywork and the other components of the car are also very important. The electric engine, however, is simple, cheap, safe and it doesn’t pollute.
But the future of those engines is uncertain, due to the huge petrol use in our developed society. The electric engine isn’t nowadays a viable option, so the investigation is focused on new fuels.
My research project talks about the distribution desigual of the wealth in the EU. The project discusses the different levels of life within EU. To do this I made an analysis of the EU and those are the countries that form and the criteria for accession. Also I have investigated the economic policy of the EU, the euro as the single currency and the helps that the EU gives to member countries.
Like practical part I made a research of news in the newspapers El Pais, La Vanguardia, El Mundo and ABC. With this I have seen what the news says about Bulgaria. Bulgaria is the poorest EU country and so I could find out about this. Another practical part was a table where you can see the economic criteria Spain, Bulgaria and the EU. This way you can see the differences between them.
With this project I was able to see how there is much inequality within the same organization. It also has what are the richest (Luxembourg) and the poorest countries (Bulgaria). And you can see the situation of Spain.
Last months we have been talking the most about the research projects we have to do because we are in 2nd bachelor’s degree.
My Research Project in particular is about the dreams -which are not really investigated yet- and how our brain works while we are sleeping. So here is the point: it seems not, but while animals (including humans) are sleeping the brain is pretty active analyzing all the information that has been included in the mind during the day, selecting and keeping the most important things saved in the memories. Then is when we start to dream, creating interesting personal films every night of our lifes.
One of the reasons why I chose this topic is because I was so worried about the bad rest and I wanted to know about the consequences of sleep a reduced number of hours.
I hope you find the subject interesting as much as I find it. Thank for your attention.
My research project is based in a comparison between the French and the Spanish educational system. The objectives of this work are: analyze the Spanish educational system, meet the French educational system and find out the basic knowledge of French and Spanish students. To do the first and the second objectives we have been searched information in books and webs, for example one web that it's very complete about this topic is the website of the Ministry of education, culture and sport of the Spanish Government. For the third objective we distributed two models of surveys, one to 100 spanish students and other to 100 french students. For distriubuted the french survey we had the help of one french student of Orleans. Finally we were interested in comment the the results of the report PISA ( Program for International Student Assessment). With this research we learn that no every educational system are structured as, based in the surveys the spanish students are better in letters and french students are better in science. The report PISA reveals the bad results of the spanish students.
My research project is about economy more concretely about the main stocks markets and financial markets of the world, but always giving more information about the spanish stock market especially about IBEX 35. In the theoric part I have put some information about the stock market's history, the mosts important craks of all times also how the stocks markets works and the elements that affect the rises and the drops.
In the practical part I have passed a survey with twelve questions relationated about the point of view that the people have about the stock market. Also I have done a chart of the most important stocks markets in the world during one week and try to explain the variations and the reasons because of the stock market change.
My research project is about the nonverbal lenguage. I choose this topic becaus I'm interested in all of things that we can express with our boddys and without saying any word.
First I talk about the studies of nonverbal lenguage and the most important elements of these. Also I talk about which are the elements of our bodys that participated in this lenguage and the feelings that we can express with this, like happyness, sadness, fear...because although sometimes we don't realize, we talk without saying anything.
To demostrated this, in the practical part of my prject, I choose some characers and I represent his personalities and his feeling trough dance movements,namely, with boddy.
With this project I learn to know that feel the people than surround my without they told anything and to known me better because like many people say "one image value more that thousand works"
My research project is about NIDCAP (Neonatal Individualized Developmental Care Assessment Premature). It's a new method developed by Heidelise Als. The aim of NIDCAP is decrease or delete the possible sequels of the most premature babies (24 or more gestational weeks) .
The principal foundations of NIDCAP are the participation of the parents in the cares and the individualization of the cares according to the needs of each baby. For do this, it's necessary a preview observation of the conducts of the baby for provide the most favourable stimulation and thereby a better development.
From the standpoint of the sanitary personal, NIDCAP has a slowly implantation in the hospitals, but in the future it will experience an evolution. From the standpoint of the family, NIDCAP is the key for provide the best cares but equally it's a very hard process.
Hi Assumpa! My research project is about the autism which is a disorder of neural development. I have chosen this topic because I wanted to know more about this syndrome and I was very interested in meeting with some children with that disorder.
In the theory part I have search information about that syndrome and I have talked about the etiology, the diagnostic and the structure of an autism’s brain.
In the experimental part I did a statistical study for knowing the opinion of the autism’s parents. Another objective of that project was to do a little interview with a doctor of the UCLA (University of California-Los Angeles) about the gen which could be the responsible for this disorder. I did another interview with a family who have two kids that suffer autism. Finally I visited a centre which is made for kids with that kind of problems.
I have learnt a lot about that disorder and I have enjoyed doing this project! Thank you Assumpta! See you
My research project talk about the history of “Flamenco” because I dance this art and I dance this art and wanted to know about their history and learn more about its structure. First the history of this art is shown from the beginning to the present, knowing that this art come from complaints and lamentations of Roma. After their dance steps, classifying them by your compass explained. Costumes worn by the dancers and also shows like flamenco in Catalonia. In the practical part, interviews were cast professionals, where we have seen that not everyone knows the origin of flamenco, and also have compared three types of dance according to their structure and expressing where they have seen some similarities and some differences.
My research project is about Wing Chun, a chinese southern kung-fu style. This martial art was created to people who are in disadvantage in a combat. It's a fast and impactant self defense system. Wing Chun is based in five keys or general concepts which teaches to the practitioners how to have a perfect structure and what attitude to take into a fight. Also it based in six forms (the three first are of empty hand, and the rest have weapon), combat training and an activity to improve sensibility and speed (Chi Sao). In this research project I've made a comparison about the kinds of training in Wing Chun, Taekwon-Do, Judo and Boxing. And I've done an analysis about a kung-fu film. With this project I've could develop my own kung-fu style and I've could know more about the interesting martial arts world.
My research project is about cryptography (which is a type of hidden languaje that that provides us security in communications), and how to program a cryptographic algorithm with Visual Basic, a programming language used basically by microsoft.
My theory explains mainly what cryptography is and its uses nowadays, such as the security in communications or internet. Furthermore, those knowledges can make us realise how important criptography and keeping our things safe is nowadays, with so many hackers spying on networks.
The practical part in my research project is to develop a cryptographic algorithm which can provide us a wide variety of encryption functions, from the oldest, such as the famous Caesar's cipher, to the newest ones, such as Triple DES, an encryption system used in credit cards.
The reason of why I have chosen this topic is mainly because I want to study computer engineering and I think this is a very good way to start familiarizing with computers.
My research project is about home automation, also known as “domotic”, and how it works, their components, types, advantages and disadvantages and the most common commercial options.
Many people believe that domotic is something quite new but in fact, it has been developing since the 20’s. Home automation gives to the user a more comfortable and efficient home to live, and because of the efficiency, more money is saved.
To show some of the characteristics of a domestic system, a mockup has been done, being possible control the fan, the light and the aperture of a window through an Arduino motherboard and a smarthphone.
My research project is very specific in the basic concept of graphology, the information you need to know to know where it comes from science and the methods that we rely on to make the study and practice lead to the end. Through this work we try to find out if our letter reflects the same psychological and physical show to others. To demonstrate this, in the practical part I have interviewed different graphologists to know more about this topic. In another aim, first a survey and a test has been done to know how it is the personality of the polled person, for later, already analyzed the writing, can verify if there coincide on the different types of analysis. Finally, I choose texts of three persons, that are produced in different ages, to determine whether a person even changing the concept of a single letter remains the same or has changed. With this project, I learn that is it true that graphology is used to demonstrate how is the personality of the persons.
My research projects is about the gladiators, the men who fought for their lives to entertain the romans. I investigated the origins of this mortal fights, that were born with the Etruscans; how they lived in the schools called ludus; the diferent fight styles that the gladiators could learn (armaturas), like murmillo, thrax or secutor; I besides investigated the shows that were played in the amphitheater, like the hunt shows, the executions or gladiatorial games. And finishing the theoric contents, the most important amphitheater, the Colisseum. As paractical contents I analized archeological remains from the National Archeology Museum in Madrid, like mosaics or terracotta; also analized the epigraphy in a gladiator grave found in Còrdova and some quotes related with gladiators from roman writers.
My research project is about genetics and how it can affect. It is based in the different types of pathologies and how we can diagnose and treat it.
There are many types of anomalies and each type affect differently. I have explained that with some examples.
All our features are the result of genes and these may cause anomalies, it can be detected previously, however, not all are reliable markers. Depending of the mother’s factors we will use a different diagnose system.
We think that, in general, humans have the dominant characters, but in some cases are not. Furthermore, our features, mainly conditioned by genes, come from our parents, and for this thing we are similar.
My research project is about chromosomal anomalies and how it can affect. There are different types of anomalies: numerical anomalies (alterations in the number of copies) and structural anomalies (structural alterations in chromosomes).
Numerical anomalies I explain are Turner's syndrome who present only in women, cells lacking all or part of an X chromosome during the development of the embryo and Klinefelter's syndrome that located on sex chromosomes in which there are two X chromosomes and one Y chromosome and therefore ther are 47 chromosomes. The types of structural anomalies that stand out are: deletion, translocation and investment.
To diagnose Turner's syndrome and Klinefelter's syndrome, an analysis is made to the patient which is extracted 0.8 milliliters of blood. They usually come to this study as sterile.
My research project is about the genetic mutations, there are a lot of mutations in the world, thanks to them we have evolved.
I have sought information of all the types of mutations; they can be naturals or induced, if the mutation appear normally or one person caused it; beneficial, harmful, indifferent or lethal, it depended on how it affects to the affected; and gene, chromosomal or genomic depend of which part of the chromosome affected or if the number of chromosomes have been changed.
I have compared two Mentha Sativa, one of them illuminated by the ultraviolet light, and the other one illuminated by the Sun, I have watered the two plants, twice a day (always at the same hour) with 30 ML of water (H2O); and after 17 days:
I have caused a gene, induced lethal mutation to a “Mentha Sativa”, thanks to ultraviolet light.
My research project is about the censure in the Franco era. I have chosen this topic because I thing that the censure is an important think that is also hidden, like the consequences for the authors that live in that era and the injustice that their have to endure.
The objectives of my research were investigate what is the censure and their consequences, like the exile of some writers or the prohibition of many literary works; investigate the evolution of the censure and find out because some literary works were censured. Some of them were censored because of the political regime of that era. To demonstrate this I used the practical part in which I compared two literary works: Luciérnagas, published in 1993, and En esta tierra, that was censored in the year 1953 and published whit the name En esta tierra.
I finally concluded that censure was a thing that had more negative consequences than positive ones. The literature of a country is like his identity. Literature shows to others the vision of a era, the feelings of the people, his fears and his problems and censor all of this is like make the truth disappear because of a political regime.
My research project is about the Spanish legal system ( specifically of civil law). The law regulate the coexistence of citizens and the problems between them. But not only refers to the rules imposed on a society, also implies equality and impartiality among its members. In my research I will introduce you the concept of law, explain the phases of a trial, the different parts and organism that form it and finally explain how is a civil trial. Also the persons that participate, and their competences and the process from demand to the resolution. Finally, I check the users satisfaction of justice, their opinion about the functioning of the administration and if is close, understandable and equal for all the citizens.
My research project will pregnancy and childbirth. First, in the theoretical part, has explain the multiple pregnancy, pregnancy tests, as grows the baby every month, the exercises of the prepartos classes, as is childbirth and its phases, aid instruments during delivery, including other explanations.
secondly, in the practical part, I have done a survey where I asked for example if you had put your labor epidural, if you had complications during pregnancy (vomiting, dizziness, ...), or if it was a class antepartum . with the results I've done some graphics. and finally, I've done two interviews about gynecologist.
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ReplyDeleteThe research I have done is based on multiple intelligences as an educational method . It is a study of the eight intelligences identified by Howard Gardner. It has been shown how each of these intelligences in a class of children in P-4, between 4 and 5 years develops , is evaluated with an interview about the level of knowledge of teachers in this educational method , and , through a survey to parents of children aged between 3 and 6 years, it has been compared which intelligence is more developed in each age.
ReplyDeleteThe extracted conclusions are that there is a positive educational approach that values the individual abilities of each child; children participate in learning, not realizing when stimulated and having fun. At age 4 years highlight the linguistic-verbal intelligence, and for his great musical development and logical-mathematical intelligence and interpersonal by their underrepresentation; teachers are aware of this new method and are introduced it gradually; and, the parents don’t have information yet of this teaching method.
My research is based on the history of the Buckingham Palace and the British monarchy. I've searched and learned the history of the main residence of the Queen in London and the royal residences in the United Kingdom. In addition, I have introduced some aspects of the life of the Queen, from birth through her marriage and ascent to the throne.
ReplyDeleteFor fieldwork, I made two surveys, 50 to British native people and 50 to Spanish residents, to check the popularity of the monarchy, getting as a result that none is accepted into de society, but the British get more positive votes. I also made a tour guide of the parts of the palace that are opened to the public.
Some of the conclusions I've reached are that Queen Elizabeth II is more popular than the King Juan Carlos I, there are several differences between public life of Queen Elizabeth II and King Juan Carlos I, mainly in their agendas and finally, Buckingham Palace contains numerous works of art from the legacies of the various monarchs who have resided in the palace.
Personally, I've learn lots of things doing this job as it's a topic that I really like, and I hope to get a good mark as I've worked hard on it.
Hi Assumpta,
ReplyDeleteMy investigation project talks about disorders on eating habits and I have investigated more on anorexia and bulimia. First I've donde a small introduction about what are disroders and the eating behavoir followe by a talk on anorexia and a bit of it's history. I've explained which can the causes be and how society is influenced (with direct and indirect ads), I've also explained it's characteristics and the relationships with the mother, the father and the brothers because they can be different. I've done the same thing with the bulimia but in this one I've added the therapies that can be done. As a practice I've done a suvery and afterwards I've done some graphics and percentages between both. I've done the same interview to different doctors and then I've done comparison table between both of them. The conclusions that I've obtained from the graphics, for example, is that people confuse anorexia and bulimia in terms of definition and don't know about the ages that appear and If they need treatments.
My research project is about the engines in the conveyance. The engines adapt to the vehicles which use them. There are combinations of different engines, such as hybrid engines. In jet engines, the turbojet and the ramjet were the basis for other engines, such as turbofan, turboprop or turboramjet.
ReplyDeleteIn the racing world every simple component is studied, remodelled and reinforced. However, the bodywork and the other components of the car are also very important. The electric engine, however, is simple, cheap, safe and it doesn’t pollute.
But the future of those engines is uncertain, due to the huge petrol use in our developed society. The electric engine isn’t nowadays a viable option, so the investigation is focused on new fuels.
My research project talks about the distribution desigual of the wealth in the EU. The project discusses the different levels of life within EU. To do this I made an analysis of the EU and those are the countries that form and the criteria for accession. Also I have investigated the economic policy of the EU, the euro as the single currency and the helps that the EU gives to member countries.
ReplyDeleteLike practical part I made a research of news in the newspapers El Pais, La Vanguardia, El Mundo and ABC. With this I have seen what the news says about Bulgaria. Bulgaria is the poorest EU country and so I could find out about this. Another practical part was a table where you can see the economic criteria Spain, Bulgaria and the EU. This way you can see the differences between them.
With this project I was able to see how there is much inequality within the same organization. It also has what are the richest (Luxembourg) and the poorest countries (Bulgaria). And you can see the situation of Spain.
Last months we have been talking the most about the research projects we have to do because we are in 2nd bachelor’s degree.
ReplyDeleteMy Research Project in particular is about the dreams -which are not really investigated yet- and how our brain works while we are sleeping. So here is the point: it seems not, but while animals (including humans) are sleeping the brain is pretty active analyzing all the information that has been included in the mind during the day, selecting and keeping the most important things saved in the memories. Then is when we start to dream, creating interesting personal films every night of our lifes.
One of the reasons why I chose this topic is because I was so worried about the bad rest and I wanted to know about the consequences of sleep a reduced number of hours.
I hope you find the subject interesting as much as I find it. Thank for your attention.
Elisabeth S. – 2º Science
Hi Assumpta,
ReplyDeleteMy research project is based in a comparison between the French and the Spanish educational system. The objectives of this work are: analyze the Spanish educational system, meet the French educational system and find out the basic knowledge of French and Spanish students. To do the first and the second objectives we have been searched information in books and webs, for example one web that it's very complete about this topic is the website of the Ministry of education, culture and sport of the Spanish Government. For the third objective we distributed two models of surveys, one to 100 spanish students and other to 100 french students. For distriubuted the french survey we had the help of one french student of Orleans. Finally we were interested in comment the the results of the report PISA ( Program for International Student Assessment). With this research we learn that no every educational system are structured as, based in the surveys the spanish students are better in letters and french students are better in science. The report PISA reveals the bad results of the spanish students.
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ReplyDeleteMy research project is about economy more concretely about the main stocks markets and financial markets of the world, but always giving more information about the spanish stock market especially about IBEX 35.
ReplyDeleteIn the theoric part I have put some information about the stock market's history, the mosts important craks of all times also how the stocks markets works and the elements that affect the rises and the drops.
In the practical part I have passed a survey with twelve questions relationated about the point of view that the people have about the stock market. Also I have done a chart of the most important stocks markets in the world during one week and try to explain the variations and the reasons because of the stock market change.
My research project is about the nonverbal lenguage. I choose this topic becaus I'm interested in all of things that we can express with our boddys and without saying any word.
ReplyDeleteFirst I talk about the studies of nonverbal lenguage and the most important elements of these. Also I talk about which are the elements of our bodys that participated in this lenguage and the feelings that we can express with this, like happyness, sadness, fear...because although sometimes we don't realize, we talk without saying anything.
To demostrated this, in the practical part of my prject, I choose some characers and I represent his personalities and his feeling trough dance movements,namely, with boddy.
With this project I learn to know that feel the people than surround my without they told anything and to known me better because like many people say "one image value more that thousand works"
My research project is about NIDCAP (Neonatal Individualized Developmental Care Assessment Premature). It's a new method developed by Heidelise Als. The aim of NIDCAP is decrease or delete the possible sequels of the most premature babies (24 or more gestational weeks) .
ReplyDeleteThe principal foundations of NIDCAP are the participation of the parents in the cares and the individualization of the cares according to the needs of each baby. For do this, it's necessary a preview observation of the conducts of the baby for provide the most favourable stimulation and thereby a better development.
From the standpoint of the sanitary personal, NIDCAP has a slowly implantation in the hospitals, but in the future it will experience an evolution. From the standpoint of the family, NIDCAP is the key for provide the best cares but equally it's a very hard process.
See you!
Alicia Gómez Gómez.
My research project is about the anorexy. I choose this project because I am very interested in the foodborn illnes and this in special.
ReplyDeleteMy project consist in expand my knowledge of this disease, know how occurs, how many people heal and how how they affect society stores.
In the practical part I have done a survey of the people in the street to see who know about this disease and how affectst that at the teenagers.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHi Assumpa! My research project is about the autism which is a disorder of neural development. I have chosen this topic because I wanted to know more about this syndrome and I was very interested in meeting with some children with that disorder.
ReplyDeleteIn the theory part I have search information about that syndrome and I have talked about the etiology, the diagnostic and the structure of an autism’s brain.
In the experimental part I did a statistical study for knowing the opinion of the autism’s parents. Another objective of that project was to do a little interview with a doctor of the UCLA (University of California-Los Angeles) about the gen which could be the responsible for this disorder. I did another interview with a family who have two kids that suffer autism. Finally I visited a centre which is made for kids with that kind of problems.
I have learnt a lot about that disorder and I have enjoyed doing this project!
Thank you Assumpta! See you
My research project talk about the history of “Flamenco” because I dance this art and I dance this art and wanted to know about their history and learn more about its structure.
ReplyDeleteFirst the history of this art is shown from the beginning to the present, knowing that this art come from complaints and lamentations of Roma. After their dance steps, classifying them by your compass explained. Costumes worn by the dancers and also shows like flamenco in Catalonia.
In the practical part, interviews were cast professionals, where we have seen that not everyone knows the origin of flamenco, and also have compared three types of dance according to their structure and expressing where they have seen some similarities and some differences.
My research project is about Wing Chun, a chinese southern kung-fu style. This martial art was created to people who are in disadvantage in a combat. It's a fast and impactant self defense system.
ReplyDeleteWing Chun is based in five keys or general concepts which teaches to the practitioners how to have a perfect structure and what attitude to take into a fight. Also it based in six forms (the three first are of empty hand, and the rest have weapon), combat training and an activity to improve sensibility and speed (Chi Sao). In this research project I've made a comparison about the kinds of training in Wing Chun, Taekwon-Do, Judo and Boxing. And I've done an analysis about a kung-fu film.
With this project I've could develop my own kung-fu style and I've could know more about the interesting martial arts world.
Hello Assumpta,
ReplyDeleteMy research project is about cryptography (which is a type of hidden languaje that that provides us security in communications), and how to program a cryptographic algorithm with Visual Basic, a programming language used basically by microsoft.
My theory explains mainly what cryptography is and its uses nowadays, such as the security in communications or internet. Furthermore, those knowledges can make us realise how important criptography and keeping our things safe is nowadays, with so many hackers spying on networks.
The practical part in my research project is to develop a cryptographic algorithm which can provide us a wide variety of encryption functions, from the oldest, such as the famous Caesar's cipher, to the newest ones, such as Triple DES, an encryption system used in credit cards.
The reason of why I have chosen this topic is mainly because I want to study computer engineering and I think this is a very good way to start familiarizing with computers.
Hi again Ferran... ha ha ha ha
DeleteMy research project is about home automation, also known as “domotic”, and how it works, their components, types, advantages and disadvantages and the most common commercial options.
ReplyDeleteMany people believe that domotic is something quite new but in fact, it has been developing since the 20’s. Home automation gives to the user a more comfortable and efficient home to live, and because of the efficiency, more money is saved.
To show some of the characteristics of a domestic system, a mockup has been done, being possible control the fan, the light and the aperture of a window through an Arduino motherboard and a smarthphone.
My research project is very specific in the basic concept of graphology, the information you need to know to know where it comes from science and the methods that we rely on to make the study and practice lead to the end. Through this work we try to find out if our letter reflects the same psychological and physical show to others.
ReplyDeleteTo demonstrate this, in the practical part I have interviewed different graphologists to know more about this topic. In another aim, first a survey and a test has been done to know how it is the personality of the polled person, for later, already analyzed the writing, can verify if there coincide on the different types of analysis. Finally, I choose texts of three persons, that are produced in different ages, to determine whether a person even changing the concept of a single letter remains the same or has changed.
With this project, I learn that is it true that graphology is used to demonstrate how is the personality of the persons.
My research projects is about the gladiators, the men who fought for their lives to entertain the romans.
ReplyDeleteI investigated the origins of this mortal fights, that were born with the Etruscans; how they lived in the schools called ludus; the diferent fight styles that the gladiators could learn (armaturas), like murmillo, thrax or secutor; I besides investigated the shows that were played in the amphitheater, like the hunt shows, the executions or gladiatorial games. And finishing the theoric contents, the most important amphitheater, the Colisseum.
As paractical contents I analized archeological remains from the National Archeology Museum in Madrid, like mosaics or terracotta; also analized the epigraphy in a gladiator grave found in Còrdova and some quotes related with gladiators from roman writers.
My research project is about genetics and how it can affect. It is based in the different types of pathologies and how we can diagnose and treat it.
ReplyDeleteThere are many types of anomalies and each type affect differently. I have explained that with some examples.
All our features are the result of genes and these may cause anomalies, it can be detected previously, however, not all are reliable markers. Depending of the mother’s factors we will use a different diagnose system.
We think that, in general, humans have the dominant characters, but in some cases are not. Furthermore, our features, mainly conditioned by genes, come from our parents, and for this thing we are similar.
G. T. M.
My research project is about chromosomal anomalies and how it can affect. There are different types of anomalies: numerical anomalies (alterations in the number of copies) and structural anomalies (structural alterations in chromosomes).
ReplyDeleteNumerical anomalies I explain are Turner's syndrome who present only in women, cells lacking all or part of an X chromosome during the development of the embryo and Klinefelter's syndrome that located on sex chromosomes in which there are two X chromosomes and one Y chromosome and therefore ther are 47 chromosomes. The types of structural anomalies that stand out are: deletion, translocation and investment.
To diagnose Turner's syndrome and Klinefelter's syndrome, an analysis is made to the patient which is extracted 0.8 milliliters of blood. They usually come to this study as sterile.
Hi Assumpta,
ReplyDeleteMy research project is about the genetic mutations, there are a lot of mutations in the world, thanks to them we have evolved.
I have sought information of all the types of mutations; they can be naturals or induced, if the mutation appear normally or one person caused it; beneficial, harmful, indifferent or lethal, it depended on how it affects to the affected; and gene, chromosomal or genomic depend of which part of the chromosome affected or if the number of chromosomes have been changed.
I have compared two Mentha Sativa, one of them illuminated by the ultraviolet light, and the other one illuminated by the Sun, I have watered the two plants, twice a day (always at the same hour) with 30 ML of water (H2O); and after 17 days:
I have caused a gene, induced lethal mutation to a “Mentha Sativa”, thanks to ultraviolet light.
My research project is about the censure in the Franco era. I have chosen this topic because I thing that the censure is an important think that is also hidden, like the consequences for the authors that live in that era and the injustice that their have to endure.
ReplyDeleteThe objectives of my research were investigate what is the censure and their consequences, like the exile of some writers or the prohibition of many literary works; investigate the evolution of the censure and find out because some literary works were censured. Some of them were censored because of the political regime of that era. To demonstrate this I used the practical part in which I compared two literary works: Luciérnagas, published in 1993, and En esta tierra, that was censored in the year 1953 and published whit the name En esta tierra.
I finally concluded that censure was a thing that had more negative consequences than positive ones. The literature of a country is like his identity. Literature shows to others the vision of a era, the feelings of the people, his fears and his problems and censor all of this is like make the truth disappear because of a political regime.
My research project is about the Spanish legal system ( specifically of civil law). The law regulate the coexistence of citizens and the problems between them. But not only refers to the rules imposed on a society, also implies equality and impartiality among its members.
ReplyDeleteIn my research I will introduce you the concept of law, explain the phases of a trial, the different parts and organism that form it and finally explain how is a civil trial. Also the persons that participate, and their competences and the process from demand to the resolution.
Finally, I check the users satisfaction of justice, their opinion about the functioning of the administration and if is close, understandable and equal for all the citizens.
My research project will pregnancy and childbirth.
ReplyDeleteFirst, in the theoretical part, has explain the multiple pregnancy, pregnancy tests, as grows the baby every month, the exercises of the prepartos classes, as is childbirth and its phases, aid instruments during delivery, including other explanations.
secondly, in the practical part, I have done a survey where I asked for example if you had put your labor epidural, if you had complications during pregnancy (vomiting, dizziness, ...), or if it was a class antepartum . with the results I've done some graphics. and finally, I've done two interviews about gynecologist.